How to resolve your Cam Freezing and video Buffering problem

We all nower days used to chatting.Many of us do video chat  that requires Webcam.During video chat you sometimes noticed that your cam freezes in between and sometimes it doesn't load at all.This problem varies people to people ans this a very common problem among peoples.
  This problem can be occurred due to following reasons:

1. Your Connectivity of Webcam is not done properly.
2. You don't have Flash player installed in your system either it is not upgraded.
3. You don't have Shockwave player installed in your system

 #First problem can be solved by reconnecting your Webcam to your pc or laptops

#The Second problem can be solved by downloading Flash Player and installing it on your system.

The Flash player is a freeware software that is used to view the multimedia.
Its a ADOBE product and you can easily find it on adobe website
Link to download Flash player:

#The last problem will be solved by Downloading the shockwave flayer and installing it.

This is also a adobe product and is easily available on adobe website.
Lint to download Shockwave player:


  1. Thank you my dear for this knowledge and i was not knowing what was the problem in my laptop. Thank you for your help .


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